Content Tutoring
Content Tutoring helps undergraduate students advance their own success by offering personalized support with course-specific learning skills and strategies. Students are asked to come prepared with specific questions on course concepts or practice problems. Content tutors will guide students through problem-solving these questions by using tutoring skills that promote independent critical thinking. Content tutors are students who have excelled in relevant coursework and who are well-equipped to foster participation within the session, as well as build community with their students.
We offer tutoring for the following courses:
- Biology (BILD 1-3, BIBC 102, BICD 100, BIMM 100, BIPN 100)
- Chemistry (CHEM 6A - C, 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B)
- Economics (ECON 1, ECON 3)
- Mathematics (MATH 10A - C, 11, 18, 20A - E, 102, 109)
- Physics (PHYS 1A - C, 2A - C)
- Psychology (PSYC 60)
More Info:
- Click on the following to find out:
Update from Academic Achievement Services on Math Support:
Curious about where to find learning support for your Math course? The Teaching and Learning Commons, alongside our campus partners, provides academic support aimed at enhancing learning. A full list of math support at UCSD can be found on the Department of Mathematics Tutoring website.